Factory Pattern in Swift

Dalton, Swift

In this post we discuss why the Factory Pattern is useful. We also provide some pattern examples written in Swift.

The Factory Pattern is a popular design pattern in software development. Many applications use this pattern to abstract the creation of objects. The Factory Pattern helps enforce the Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Principle of Encapsulation.


This pattern is particularly useful in the following situations:

Factory Methods

A factory method is a method that creates objects.

For example, consider a class that needs to create objects of various shapes. The class can use a factory method to create the objects. The factory method can take parameters that specify the type of object to create. The class can then use the object without knowing the details of its implementation.

The Shape class below has a static factory method named createShape(). The method takes a String parameter that specifies the type of shape to create. The method returns an instance of the Shape class. In Swift, one can call a static factory method without creating an instance of the class.

class Shape {
    // MARK: - Properties
    var type: String
    // MARK: - Initializers
    init(type: String) {
        self.type = type
    // MARK: - Factory Methods
    static func createShape(type: String) -> Shape {
        return Shape(type: type)


It may be preferable to outsource object creation logic to a class if a factory method is too complex.

For example, we can extract the factory method from our example above to a new ShapeFactory class

class Shape {
    // MARK: - Properties
    var type: String
    // MARK: - Initializers
    init(type: String) {
        self.type = type

class ShapeFactory {
   static func createShape(type: String) -> Shape {
        return Shape(type: type)

We can then call the static function createShape() on the ShapeFactory itself like so:

let s = ShapeFactory.createShape(type: "Square")


The factory pattern is a useful tool for managing object creation in Swift. You can centralize your object creation code by creating a factory class.

The factory pattern has many benefits:

The factory pattern is a great way to streamline object creation in Swift.

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